Crafting My Code: Envisioning My Future in Software Engineering

05 Sep 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the blend of creativity and technical proficiency forms the foundation of success. As I am navigating through the journey of being a computer science major at UH Mānoa, I have developed a variety of interests such as front-end development, as well as full-stack development. These interests have evolved into skills that enhance my proficiency and prepare me to thrive to enter the workforce.

Crafting Code and Cracking Security: My Goals in Software Engineering & Beyond

My current interests in software engineering span over a range of fields, each interesting me in a unique way. At the forefront are mobile and front-end development, which allow me to showcase my creativity within the interactive and user-friendly interfaces that I create.

Beyond software engineering, the realm of cybersecurity also interests me, as it involves protecting vital company assets through ethical hacking and security measures- both of which are critical and constantly evolving in our digital world. As a puzzle lover, cybersecurity intrigues me because it involves solving a variety of complex problems that require an eye for detail and understanding of digital systems.

Full stack development is also something that appeals to me, offering the best of both worlds by allowing me to develop both client and server software. I have begun exploring these interests by engaging in a variety of activities such as working alongside a digital artist friend to build an iOS app and joining the Grey Hats cybersecurity club at my school. These experiences not only encourage my creative capabilities, but also ignite a deeper passion for exploring my software development interests further.

Mastering Tech: Building Hard and Soft Skills in Software Engineering

Advancing in the fields of front-end and full-stack development demand a variety of both hard and soft skills. Some of the required hard skills include mastering languages and tools specific to each domain, such as Swift for iOS apps, or understanding the flow of code that makes up an application.

Equally important, however, are the soft skills such as being a strong team contributor and being able to articulate ideas clearly. These skills are crucial for being able to collaborate successfully in tech environments.

To maintain my skills and continue a lifelong learning mentality, I have a set of short term goals that will aid my skill development. They include obtaining relevant certifications to complement my skills, such as the Swift Certification. I also will look to enroll in courses and workshops that dive deeper into complex topics related to my interests. These goals will help me to create a well-rounded understanding of various software engineering topics, and ultimately allow me to be a knowledgeable professional in the tech industry.

A Look to Tomorrow: My Vision for My Future

Looking to the future, my long-term career aspirations in software engineering blend both my interests in front-end development and cybersecurity. I aspire to become an ethical hacker or penetration tester, a role that combines my love for problem-solving and technology. In my free time, I envision myself as an independent app developer, creating applications that can either simplify everyday life or provide entertainment.

Beyond specific roles, a principle I hold close to my heart is being a lifelong learner that commits to continually updating my skills and knowledge. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of community, I am committed to building strong professional relationships, seeking mentorship from those with more experience than me, and engaging within the tech community. These connections not only provide me with support, but also open doors to opportunities that align with my personal passions and career goals.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on my journey so far, it is clear that my aspirations are not just focussed on personal achievement, but also about building myself to be a strong contributor to the tech community. As I continue to establish my skills in front-end and full-stack development, my goal is to not only to build applications that are entertaining, but also that can be used by a wide variety of people. I believe I will be able to achieve these goals through my commitment to lifelong learning, as well as pursuit of mentorship and community within the tech industry. By nurturing both my technical abilities and professional skills, I foresee myself thriving in the world of tech as I pursue my aspirations.