Lindsey Clement


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2027 and pursue a career in cybersecurity!

Interests: Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Business


Bank Record Database 2024-09-05

Building a database of bank records

Database C Back-End Development

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Pokémon Database 2024-09-05

Building a database of Pokémon objects

C Database Back-End Development

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Habit Garden 2024-09-05

My progress in creating a habit-tracking app.

Full-Stack Development Software Engineering iOS Development Swift

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The Importance of Asking Smart Questions as a Software Engineer

11 Sep 2024

Introduction In the software engineering world, asking questions is a necessary task for developers. However, many do not understand how to ask a smart question. Eric Steven Raymond, in his piece How to Ask Questions the Smart Way, outlines that...

Software Engineering Learning Smart Questions

Typescript Trials: My Journey and Thought on the Learning the Popular Coding Language

05 Sep 2024

Introduction to Typescript When I first saw the daunting list of 142 Typescript lessons assigned in my software engineering class, a wave of nervousness washed over me. Unsure of what lay ahead, I embarked on my learning journey, and with...

Typescript WODs

Crafting My Code: Envisioning My Future in Software Engineering

05 Sep 2024

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the blend of creativity and technical proficiency forms the foundation of success. As I am navigating through the journey of being a computer science major at UH Mānoa, I have developed a variety of...

Software Engineering Cybersecurity Front-End Development Full-Stack Development